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4 Tips to Calm an Endometriosis Flare

Pelvic pain, such as pain associated with an endometriosis flare up, is an extremely common reason women miss work, school and other social responsibilities. Chronic pelvic pain can be debilitating and gets in the way of daily life. That’s why we’re talking about tips to help manage an endometriosis flare up! There are things you can do all month long to lower your chances of getting a flare as well as some tips to help you out when you need some immediate pain relief. Hopefully with these tips, you can keep moving and doing the things you want to, even if you are having a flare of symptoms! For a deeper dive into what endometriosis is and other chronic pelvic pain conditions, check out this blog posts.

1.Avoid Inflammation

If you have endometriosis, it’s important to be mindful about inflammation all month long to keep  the risk of flare ups lower. But it can also be a good thing to avoid while you’re having more symptoms. Cut back on eating or drinking items that are inflammatory in nature such as sugar, alcohol, dairy, wheat, and acidic foods. These dietary triggers can irritate an already inflamed system which makes your body more susceptible to pain. Try to include plenty of healthy protein, fats, and leafy green veggies

2. Gentle Movement

Endometriosis causes scar tissue and adhesions in the abdomen and pelvis, which can sometimes lead to scarring on and around the reproductive organs. This can feel tight or restricting, which is why gentle movement is a great tool! It improves blood flow to the tissues and can even help break up some of the painful adhesions. Along with those benefits, gentle movement can help other symptoms associated with an endometriosis flare such as constipation, fatigue, and mood changes.Try taking a walk or a basic yoga video, anything you enjoy to get you moving! 

3. Pelvic Floor PT

Many chronic pelvic pain conditions, including endometriosis, can affect pelvic floor muscle tone and lead to other pelvic floor dysfunction such as bladder, bowel, and sexual dysfunction. Pelvic floor physical therapy can provide hands-on treatment to relax and lengthen your muscles surrounding the pelvis, spine, and hips in order to reduce pain and improve function! Make sure you find a Physical Therapist that specializes in the Pelvic Floor and Women’s Health to ensure you’re getting the help you need. 

4. Heat and Abdominal Massage

Heat and abdominal massage are great tools to use for quick pain relief! It can help your body relax and can distract it from the sensation of pain by introducing different stimuli, like heat or touch.  Abdominal massage can also help with constipation symptoms by sparking the natural motility of the intestines and reducing pressure and pain in the abdomen. Check out this video here for a step-by-step tutorial on how to do abdominal massage.

If you’re suffering from endometriosis symptoms, don’t let flare ups keep you from living your life! If these tips alone aren’t enough to manage your symptoms, working with a Pelvic Floor Specialized Physical Therapist can help you reduce flares and improve your quality of life! Schedule your evaluation with one of our pelvic health experts who can give you the time and attention you deserve to help you reach your goals.